
october twentyfifth .

i don't even know why i go through this .
if i wasn't in love i woulda been gave up .
if i could control my emotions i woulda been let go .
im beginning to get mad at myself for letting myself fall so far in love
but going through things only made me love him more .
i didn't intentionally make myself fall this in love .
i still remeber when i didn't love him the way he loved me .
i still remeber feeling bad bc i felt how much he loved me and i knew i
didn't love him back the same .
sometimes i wonder how things wouldve been different if i loved him this
much when he first fell in love with me and we were happy .
smh .
im ruining us .
i feel like i love him too much now and its pushing him away .
like im scaring him bc he's nt ready for it .
i wish i could take it back but now im in too deep .
and now im just a mess .
were supposed to be focusing on ourselves rightnow .
and everytime i focus on myself i just cry .
im depressed .
i hate focusing on myself cus i hate my life .
aint shit for me to fix .
i can think and think and try to figure things out
bt they don't bring me solutions they bring me more worries.
they say focus on self happiness .
but him making me happy , helps me to keep myself happy .
its ass backwards but it works for me .
because im so unhappy by myself .
people don't understand it tho .
its like , im wrong for not havin self happiness .
but i do have it . its just very low .
i don't have shit to be happy about in my life .
everything starts to feel like a chore .
i wake up and go to skool on time everyday .
i don't have to but i do .
i do all my homework , i dnt have to but i do .
there would be no purpose in going to skool if i didn't strive for A's
but that's only one aspect of my life .
i barely have friends .
i don't hang out on the weekends .
why? bc its not fun anymore .
what changes ? yu smoke , yu drink , yu find new niggas .
its old .
i dnt WANT new niggas !
idgaf about a new nigga .
he can't do shit for me .
life aint shit like it used to be .
im tryna get my life back .
i can't even get my man back :(
but i know what im waiting on .
im just tired of wearing my ♥ on my sleeve .
i wanna roll it up .
its hard .
im feelin so low right now .
i just wanna cry as a release .
i dnt have the privacy to cry tho so ima just hold it til later .
im tired .
of life .
sometimes i regret life .
im mad i have a negative hold on life now cus
i lost everything positive i had .
im tryna get em back but its hard when yu don't even
really have any interest in life . . .
guess that's just a personal problem .


Unknown said...

WOW, I began to read that, and had to double check to make sure I wasn't reading my own blog.... All the things you are feeling, is deinitely my life, its so crazy becasue when I tell people it is almost like the just don't understand. But I for one will tell you you should not hate yourself, your beautiful..and from your writing alone I can tell you have mahor potential in life... i read our in school if you dont mind me asking what is you major?

with.love.la said...

We hav all been there ur not alone

with.love.la said...

We have all been there you are not alone hang n there