
poem # 6 .

he love`s me for me .
that is everything i need
can we . . .
stop overanalyzing
drop all inhibitions at tha door
peel off all our stress
& leave it on thaa floor
i wanna love you .
every single inch of you
head to toe ,
each kiss specifically placed
to givee you more
anticipation to what
is in storee ;
faint whispers
loud moans
soft touches
tight grasps
long kisses
hard orgasms
peace of mind
perfect sleep
as we drift away in the essence of our love
nothing can interrupt
when tha sun comes up
we redress in our stress
and leavee all our bliss
wrapped up in tha sheets
w. only memories
left to carry us thru another day .


SE said...

Niice, love it lady
Especially the
"can we . . .
stop overanalyzing
drop all inhibitions at tha door"

Anonymous said...

wow!!! fav line... and leavee all our bliss
wrapped up in tha sheets

i love the hole bliss being interrupted by the sun... redress in our stress... dope.

kinda like a dream being disturbed my the morning.. the reality of getting up a going into real life..

_kamthebeautiful said...

I love this one its sexy!!
& u do kno how 2 write poetry i love all the ones ive read so far!