
a.m. feelings .

i dont really have anythinq of importance to say .
bt i just felt the need to blog .
just to say - im happy :]

i mean i been happy for a min now [on && off ]
bt at this moment like RIGHT now THIS min .
im happy .
my face looks like >>> =]
lol .
im suree yall know why .
i ramble onn about my bf [ex] in like every post .
bt hes a huge part of my life .
he makess me soo happy .
&& i havee no idea why .
sometimes i get mad at myself cus i know i shouldnt jus let things fall back to the way they used to be . especially since we arent together right now . bt i enjoy being happy . && he does that for me .
not that other people cant .
dont get me wrong . bt .
its just not the height of happiness he gives me .
i be likee on tht ectasy high happiness =]
thats that good shit .
who throws that away looking for something to replace it ?
when your not guaranteed a better replacement .
im content with how things are .
i have no idea why im soo content .
bt lol .
i still get the attention i need to feel like im still important .
shit , i KNOW im still important .
he may fck another btchh whilee we seperated , bt puhleese believe
shes NOT taking my spot . lmao .
id like to see a btchh try .
itss whatever whatever tho .
im just rambling .
im bout to hit the sack .
im tired .
niteey nitee lovess =]


Miss Daja said...

im happy if your happy

R. Alexandra said...

if you're happy, do you ma.
don't worry about anything else.

Anonymous said...

ah, so basically i can relate to this. specially when u said
"shit , i KNOW im still important .
he may fck another btchh whilee we seperated , bt puhleese believe
shes NOT taking my spot . lmao .
id like to see a btchh try ."
that right there - whew, i feel ya girl LOL. cause i felt the SAME way when me and my boyfriend weren't together.

angelicaa phyliciaa . said...

rmao !

aw ily guyss !

Yves said...

Glad you're happy. Hope it lasts.

CraigJC said...

Stay happy.


Toy said...

happiness is keyyy.
i'm tryna be like thatt.