
didn ' t i say ,

it didnt feel over ?
i don ' t think it is .
itss not .

but if its soo wrong , why doess it feel so right ?

smh .
maybee i dont deservee whats right .
cus i can ' t let go of whats wrong to get it . . .


Yves said...

Sounds like you're in a quite the predicament

Cay said...

its because you love so hard.


JuJu said...

oo tru story; im right there witcha.

Hippoleetoe said...

wow... i have no clue what you're talking about in your life but it pretty much hit me in a part of mine.

I love it!

R. Alexandra said...

sometimes it takes doing the WRONG thing a few times, to finally get shit right.

trust & believe.