
meet thee FIRST familyy : D

whooooot woooooooot!
OUR president is B l A C k!!!!!
not that thats the most important thinq. but this is historyy. &&we madee it. the first minorityy to ever takee officee. i meann mahh niqquh. its about timeee.!!
&&who better to fulfill our needs thenn mr. Barack Obama??
cuhkz is sooo sweet&&carinq. sooper intelliqent &&moree than qualifiedd fer the jobb :] &&look at hiss lovee lifee. hiss relationsipp withh his wifee &&kids is beautiful<3>
theyre sooo cuteee.
well anywhoo. even thoo myy votee didnt necessarilyy count cuz his electorial votes hit 270 before california was even counted :-D
i STill MADE uhh D I F F E R E N C E.
i believee inn the chanqee so lets makee shxt happenn.
welcomee to the black housee :]

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