

i thouqht i'd jumpp on the bloq bandwaqonn considerinqq i havee nothinq better to doo withh myy free timee &&&& i feel ass thouqh peoplee cann makee usee to myy input : )

i just recentlyy turnedd twentyyyy ;; yayyy meeee! [sarcastic voice.]
myy bdayy was a disasterr &&so is myy lifee.
im discoverinq neww thinqs;z for thee first timee in myy lifee likee...

l o v e e e e<3

unfortunatelyy thats;z a completee worldd of its ownn.
its rockinq mines;z byy farrr.
&&not in the best wayy : /

im juss learninq thiss isshhh.
so afterr i adapt to it.
myy "spot" willl indeed bee "thee spot".
dont doubt it.

i rock soxxx =P

til we meet aqainn; peacee&&lovee pimpinn'..

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