soo..iff yuu knoww mee personallyy, yuu knoww i likee watchinn weirdd shit, most peoplee myy aqee dont fuck wit...for examplee..the sciencee channel && the discovery
but besideeeeeeeees all that i watchedd this bomb ass movie lass nitee called "FACTORY GiRL" that was based on the lifee of this qirl namedd Edi Sedqewick who becamee the apple of Andy Warhols;z eye in the 60s;z &&basicallyy just fuckedd her wholee lifee off.
shee was bornn an heiress into this richhh ass familyy. her father molestedd her as a childd &&sent her to the mental hospital. after art school she movedd to new york wheree her friendd introducedd her to thee aspirinq andy warhol who jus becamee infatuatedd with thiss chick..evenn tho his ass was a truee she ruinedd her lifee over himm. went bankrupt. strunqout onn druqs;z. chosee a sour friendship over true lovee && eventually lost everythinq shee hadd. shee diedd at 28.
likeee herr storyy is so sadd. this bxtchh had the worldd &&she threww it all awayy on a "friendd" that let his jealousyy take over his feelinqs. in all honestyy. i thinkk she was upp theree wit marilyn monroe && audrey hepburnn&& other beauties of her timee. she had a stylee outta this worldd.
the bxtchh wass poppinn' lol. but yeaaa...check this out if yuu come across it : )
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