--what is it that makes;z uss....keep tryinq??
likee....whenn the samee shxt keeps;z happeninq over &&over aqainn. what persuades;z uss to think that it'll chanqee???
is it the trust wee havee for that personn?
the lovee?
sometimes;z havinq hopee leaves;z yuu in disappointment.
perseverencee useless.
i keep tryinq to comee upp withh a resolutionn to this onee issuee.
&&as closee as i qet is nowheree near wheree i wanna be......
i keep beinq persuadedd to tryy.
&&mee on myy ownn wants;z too tryyy moree thann anythinq in the worldd.
but im startinq to feel likee its imposssiblee to qet theree.
--its;z tearinq me downn.
&&breakinq myy heart.
i feel foolishh.
is it mee. or is it not meant to bee?
everyday is somethinq neww.
its eitherr a step forwardd or a stepp back.
i feel likee steppinq off.
all my hopee is just depletinq.
dayy byy dayy.
im an emotional wreck.
whyy tryy if no one elsee is.
i need relief : /
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