

--lifees;z funny yahh knoo. likee for the lonqest i just wantedd to bee lovedd. &&i'vee hadd nothinqq but lovee for other peoplee. &&youu knoww how they say what qoes;z aroundd; comes;z aroundd??

all my lovee camee back. :)

latelyy everyones;z been tellinq me they "lovee me" && likee whether its likee 'inn lovee' lovee or just 'lovee for' .......

i neverr kneww i was so loveablee. likeee this is amazinq but saddd. cuz i cant satisfy everyones;z interest. i lovee these peoplee back

but im onlyy IN lovee with ONEE.
i can onlyy FOCUS on ONEE.
i can onlyy qive MY ALL to ONEE.
&&everyone knows;z who that ONE is.

evenn thouqhh we qo throuqhh our ups;z &&downs;z....thats;z myy heart. hes;z onn a level that cant evenn bee reachedd byy ANYONE [.that isnt himm.] && not sayinq hes;z b e t t e r than anyonee but......
hes;z my everythinq. myy other half. perfectionn embodied. i wouldnt tradee himm for the worldd :/

--idk. this iss just qettinq too complexx for me.
i lovee everyonee. but im matchedd. set. && satisfiedd.

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